
Pupil Voice, Growth Mindset and Learning to Learn

Our Learning Adventure

“In all subjects, pupils build their knowledge and remember more.” OFSTED 2019

Our curriculum is built around the 2014 National Curriculum Programmes of Study and the New EYFS Development Matters.

At Brimsdown we are proud to offer an inclusive and bespoke curriculum that caters to the unique needs and talents of each student.

We have created our curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils and families and so  have carefully considered our locality and the community we serve.  We strive to equip our children with a growth mind set and a reflective attitude so that they embrace challenge and view effort as the path to a successful future.

Our inclusive curriculum reflects our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in an ever-changing world.

We aim to meet the needs of our community by:

1) Providing stability

2) Celebrating cultural diversity 

3) Developing rich vocabulary to improve communication skills 

4) Ensuring our school is inclusive and children are self-aware and value each others’ differences

5) Creating rich learning experiences that challenge and broaden children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes

Our Curriculum

RSE and PSHE Overviews

RSE and PHSE Curriculum Overview

Foundation Stage

In the Foundation Stage we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Please follow this link:
What to Expect in Early Years

You can also find some additional resources available to parents here.

Curriculum Overviews

Please click below to download Curriculum Overviews for the current school year: